Showcased here is a selection of 3D models of the material culture discovered during the excavation activities at Poggio del Molino. Artefacts and structures are what helps Archeodig’s professionals to read and interpret the history of the Roman site, and since 2016 are thoroughly documented with 3D digital photogrammetry.
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A Selection of 3D models
PArCo di Poggio del Molino, Populonia
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A Selection of 3D models
PArCo di Poggio del Molino, Populonia
Limestone Boulders found during excavations of the garden area. Engraved with the Latin inscriptions: P CLXXXVIII (pedes 188) and P CXCI (pedes 191), equating to 55.65 and 56.54 metre. It is proposed that these are the linear measurements of the perimeter walls of the quadrangular building; this hypothesis seems confirmed by the length of the south side of the building (about 56 m), the only wall entirely preserved.
These marker stones are currently on display and can be viewed at the Archaeological Museum of Piombino
Arial View – The Roman villa of Poggio del Molino was built on a strip of land far from the city, the port and main roads. It sits on a thin promontory extending between the beach of Rimigliano to the north and the Gulf of Barratti to the south. The settlement overlooks westward the stretch of sea between San Vicenzo and the Island of Elba.
The Watch Tower. Along the south side of the perimeter wall, slightly off to the west and protruding outward, we find a rectangular room measuring approximately 5.6x5, determined to be the foundations of a watchtower. At this stage of excavations, no associated gateway has been identified.
The Noria - in the case of the villa complex at Poggio del Molino, is a device employed to lift water from a well. It consisted of a chain of clay pots roped together and slung over a narrow wooden wheel that hung deep into the well. As the wheel is turned the clay pots would drop into the well, fill and in turn empty as the pots were delivered to ground level.
Domestic area. Included a kitchen area and other service areas.
The bath house or 'Balneae' area of Poggio del Molino consists of a hot room caldarium, warm room tepidarium and cold room frigidarium.
The Residential Area of Poggio del Molino consists of aa colonaded garden flanked by the traditionl lounge dining and sleeping rooms.
The Northern Sector of the excavation includes an open area surrounded by the remains of walls probably of stables and storage facilitys.
In the Southwest corner of the complex, a well-preserved portion of the original fort wall exists. The wall consists of an inner core of limestone rags bound with a strong mortar. The inner and outer skin is constructed from medium to large rough-hewn limestone blocks, also bound with a strong mortar. The corners are composed of dressed and squared blocks of white rhyolite and local Bench sandstone (Panchina) in alternation, laid in courses of headers and stretchers. The average thickness of this wall is 1.5m.
Iron Furnace.The bright orange clay; evidence of extreme heat, iron slag particulates and other finds are all indicators pointing to the past existence of an 'iron furnace' within the vila confines.
A Lime Kiln is used to produce quicklime the main ingredient of plaster and mortar. The process involved heating limestone (calcium carbonate) to 900°C then placing it in a water bath. The stone would dissolve and the resulting material (calcium oxide) was found to be a versatile building material.
Circular Bronze Escutcheon. A metal strike plate designed to protect from ware the keyhole of a lock to a wooden chest.
Oil Lamp Ealy Christian era, c. 5th century AD. Probably of African origin. The centre disk of wich depicts the Chi-Rho monogram. An early christian symbol of the stacked Greek letters Chi (X) and Rho (P) being the first 2 letters of the Greek word Kristos or Christ.
Amphora Detail. Amphora neck and shoulder